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Gasoline engine
12 Jun 2019Supercharger The efficiency of the charging process in an automotive engine usually rises to ...more -
Not all types of synthetic oils perform the same
12 Jun 2019Motor oils aren’t created equal. You might already know that synthetic oils typically ...more -
High mileage oil
12 Jun 2019The typical automobile on the road today is more than 11 years old. ...more
Not all types of synthetic oils perform the same
12 Jun 2019Motor oils aren’t created equal. You might already know that synthetic oils typically outperform conventional oils, but you might not know the difference between synthetic blend oils and full synthetic oils. If you don’t, then pull up a chair. First, let’s define “synthetic.” If it sounds high-tech or advanced, it’s because it is. Where traditional mineral or conventional use refined crude oil (that stuff you find in the ground), synthetic oils consist of chemical compounds that are artificially made by breaking down and then rebuilding petroleum molecules. The end result is an oil containing specific molecules that are tailored to provide optimal lubrication properties. Types of synthetic oil There are different types of synthetic oil: synthetic blend oil and full synthetic oil. Here’s the ...more -
High mileage oil
12 Jun 2019The typical automobile on the road today is more than 11 years old. That’s because drivers are keeping their cars longer or opting to purchase pre-owned vehicles instead of new models. And unless you own a classic car that you drive only under certain conditions, you probably have lots of miles on your pre-owned engine. Caring for older, high mileage vehicles Today’s vehicles are generally capable of racking up more miles than cars and trucks of a generation ago, but the secret to true vehicular longevity is still the same: regular maintenance. High mileage vehicles need tender loving care on a number of fronts. To get long life from your engine, remember to: Top off all fluids Check the coolant level, especially in ...more -
Gasoline engine
12 Jun 2019Supercharger The efficiency of the charging process in an automotive engine usually rises to a peak of slightly more than 80 percent at about half the rated speed of the engine and then decreases considerably at higher speed. This change in air charge per cycle with engine speed is reflected in proportionate changes in the torque, or turning effort, applied to the crankshaft and causes the power that the engine can deliver at full throttle to reach a maximum as engine speed increases. At speeds above this peaking speed, the air charge introduced per cycle falls off so rapidly that less power is developed than at lower speeds. The inability of the engine to draw in a full charge of fresh ...more